Co-Founder of STEMPLOY LLC

LAD Studio LLC owner, Lynn Dombrowski and Media Thirty Seven owner, Casey Cid, are proud to be co-founders of STEMPLOY LLC. We started this initiative as a networking group to increase the opportunities for internships and employment for women in STEM fields.


Our mission is to work with employers, professional groups, educational institutions, women’s organizations and networks, policy establishments and the government to connect women in the STEM fields with opportunities for professional growth. By facilitating professional relationships, internships and job placement STEMPLOY will promote gender equality and diversity in STEM fields.


At STEMPLOY, we understand that STEM careers are critical to our environment, our economy, and our global impact by cultivating opportunities for innovation and research. Our primary focus is on providing Art infused STEM (A-STEM) K-12 workshops, internships and future employment where students can excel in STEM fields. The STEMPLOY Network is dedicated to the advancement of entrepreneurs, and especially professional STEM women, by bringing them together in a casual setting and encouraging group interaction and learning among the members.

STEM Goals

Advance opportunities for women in STEM fields by:

  • Creating a social network of women in the STEM fields
  • Offering STEM career-centered summer camps and after school workshops for middle and high school students
  • Spotlighting professional opportunities for women in STEM
  • Encouraging, facilitating and offering professional and educational resources
  • Promoting the achievements and capabilities of STEM professional women and interns
  • Inviting the best businesses (Stemployers) in the field of STEM to become members and begin to shift the tendency of male-dominated staffs
  • Inviting women to actively help other women in the STEMPLOY network by facilitating mentor-protege relationships
  • Becoming the leading resource hub for learning about STEM programs and practices throughout the U.S. designed to broaden the participation of women in STEM

Visit us at to learn more.